In some recent animal studies vitamin D has strikingly reduced cancerous tumor growth. In addition, a large number of observational studies in people have linked low vitamin D consumption to an increase risk of cancer. The type of cancers linked are numerous: breast, rectum, esophagus, stomach, bladder, ovaries, prostate, kidney, uterus and lung; a substantial list of cancers to say the least.
Researchers at Creighton University in Omaha conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled trial, the most reliable form of clinical information obtained. Among 1,179 community-living, healthy, post-menopausal women, they reported last year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that over the course of four years, those that took calcium and 1,100 International Units of vitamin D-3 developed roughly 80% fewer cancers than those that just took calcium or a placebo. What an extraordinary endorsement for the benefits of vitamin D! Vitamin D is quickly becoming the powerhouse nutrient and for good reason.
We are finding not only that vitamin D has extraordinary benefits but we are also discovering that the current RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) is way too low. Currently the RDA for vitamin D is 400 I.U. Probably over the next few years, as the information uncovered by these types of studies is finalized and the information gets processed by the FDA, you will see a dramatic increase in the RDA for vitamin D. Vitamin D is not just beneficial in reducing the risk of cancer. Vitamin D has many significant responsibilities in the body.
These include. *Maintaining Your Calcium Balance *Immune Boosting *Plays a role in Insulin Secretion *Regulates Blood Pressure *Disease Prevention Many of you may know that vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin as opposed to a water-soluble vitamin like vitamin C for instance. The danger with fat-soluble vitamins is that it is possible to overdose and develop vitamin-toxicity. Vitamin D toxicity is extremely rare in healthy people. One should not be concerned about this unless they are taking extremely high amounts consistently, such as 7,000 - 10,000 I.
U.s. Also, don't worry about getting vitmain D toxicity due to overexposure of sunlight as this is very uncommon. It is very difficult to get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat. Vitamin D is no exception and there are a wide range of vitamin D supplements in the marketplace.
We strongly recommend getting your vitamin D in a non-synthetic vitamin D3 form and definitely take it with calcium in the proper ratios. Vitamin D is tough to get from food especially for vegetarians. Here is a list of foods that are a natural source of vitamin D. *Herring *Catfish *Salmon *Mackerel *Sardines *Tuna *Eel .
and the one natural source not found in water. *Mushrooms The more research being done on vitamin D, the more we are understanding its overall importance to our health.
Joe Costello founded Kylea Health in 1995. Kylea is a well-respected nutritional company providing cutting edge nutritional formulas servicing hundreds of thousands of people. Joe is a health researcher, author, and hosts a weekly health Television show. For more information about Joe Costello and Kylea Health and Energy visit